
Social(pathic) Networking

Let's say that you're applying for a job. Except, it's more than just a j-o-b. It's a calling, a vocation, that you truly want to invest your blood, sweat, and tears in and make a difference in the world while also earning a fair--OK, great--wage.

Now, let's say that in addition to your resume and references you are required to submit the last two months of posts you've made to Facebook, MySpace, and/or Twitter. Would you still be a candidate for the calling and vocation you long to fulfill? Would anyone screening applicants who are expected to make a difference in the world let you through the filter of discernment, emotional maturity, and good decision-making ability?

If not, why should your current employer entrust you with anything more than mid- to lower-level responsibilities? Why should they keep you at all?

It's one thing for students to post their "finding-themselves" moments and pictures of those moments on social networking sites. But, if I am chronologically expected to be an adult, my posts, tweets, and blogs should reflect it.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is challenging! It makes you think what you put on your updates. Let's hope any future employer doesn't look at by old school/college friends and their updates, there would be no chance of the job then!


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