
Preschool Pavarotti

Never been a big opera fan. Don't hate it. Don't love it. I've got a few pieces on my iPod so I'm not a complete Philistine, but it's just not my bag.

But, I do appreciate the talent required to pull it off well. The few times that I got to see Luciano Pavarotti perform on TV, he absolutely blew me away. There's just something about watching anyone who's the best do what they do. It's inspiring. Challenging. Fun. Contagious.

That's exactly how I felt this morning when I happened to walk past a classroom full of preschool kids whose moms were otherwise engaged in our Mom to Mom ministry. And, there in front of those kids was a woman so gifted, so engaging, so passionately teaching them the story of God's creation that I just sat there and giggled watching her.

She had those kids in the palm of her hand, waiting with baited breath for her next sentence or song or shimmy. It was literally a work of art to behold her teaching and inspiring those kids, giving them a desire and a hunger for the love of God and the Word of God.

I was blown away. Grateful for a church that cares that much about children. And their moms. And dads. Grateful for a volunteer who is so gifted, passionate, joyful, and willing to serve. That volunteer was an HD picture of what can be and what should be for all of us as we serve and lead.

(And I really believe that I would feel that way even if I weren't married to her.)

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I knew it was Julie before I read your comment.


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