
A Great Day

Yesterday (Monday) was just one of those days. I woke up in a little bit of a funk--it's a rare occasion for me but it happens. For whatever reason, it just stuck with me throughout the entire day. Nothing really wrong, just felt out of sorts. (Which, if you're currently single, is another good reason to make sure you marry well! A patient spouse like Julie is a must for those days.)

But, today proved to be the perfect antidote to yesterday. First of all, I started the day taking our kids to school, and singing at the top of our lungs to whatever country trash was currently on my iPod is just a great equalizer. Second, the first bit of "work" in my day consisted of a meeting with our pastors.

This meeting typically involves a review of the weekend just past (worship services, sermons preached, attendance, prayer requests, giving, what worked/what didn't, etc.), calendar previews, ministry opportunities ahead, and strategic planning. All of that is preceded and followed by prayer, bathed in laughter, and comprised of straightforward evaluations and affirmations.

The net results of that meeting--decisions made, issues handled, plans developed, and community affirmed--set a tremendous tone for the rest of the day. We didn't get all the world's problems solved (or, even all of LHC's problems!). But, we did get a headstart on a lot of them and made significant strides to affirm and sustain what's going well and correct what can be better.

Ultimately, though, it was the people I was with. People who take what they do very seriously but do not take themselves too seriously. They are a great blessing to our church at large and to me personally.

(I'm also incredibly anxious to get into the next two weekend services as we wrap up New--more on that tomorrow.)

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