
Core Strength

One of the new ministries that cranked up Sunday night was the slate of Core Classes that are offered after the evening worship service. Chris Larsen and his team have created a unique learning environment that offers something for everyone regardless of where you are spiritually. Currently offered classes include:

* Marriage for Life
* Raising Great Kids
* Overview of the Bible
* Spiritual Habits of a Christ Follower
* Discovering and Using Your Spiritual Gifts
* Living and Sharing Your Faith with Others

For a full course schedule list, click on this link to get more information and to see some of the classes that are coming later this fall. A box dinner is available between the service and the start of Core Classes, so if you're looking to take your faith to the next level, make it a point this weekend to join us at 5p.m. for worship and then stick around for the Core Classes at 6:30.

In addition to growing personally, the Core Classes are a great first step in meeting people and connecting with the overall life of the church. It's a great way to finish the weekend and be fully charged for the week to come.

Also, in case you didn't see it, here's the story that News8Austin ran on the LHC Downtown launch this past weekend:

LHC Downtown News Story from Lake Hills Church on Vimeo.

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