

Just last Sunday, we looked at the mission critical role that friends play in helping us experience real joy. And, this week, I've gotten to see it play out in my life in such incredibly obvious ways.

Over the last couple of years, God has brought some incredible people into my life who are friends in the best, deepest, and strictest sense of the word. One is Buddy Cremeans who pastors Northway Church in upstate NY. Buddy's church is absolutely killing it in an area not exactly targeted by church planters for its long list of growing, healthy churches. But they are doing it strictly by sharing the Gospel of Christ in a loving, compelling way with incredible joy.

Last summer, our family got to visit Northway and to know Buddy and his great wife Deb and their kids. As we were coming home, I asked my daughter Emily what stood out to her about the trip and the people. She looked out the window for a second, and then said, "OH! That's easy: the power of joy! Those people love God, they love the church, and made us feel loved when we got there."

It's the same experience I had yesterday with Buddy (and every time I talk to him) on the phone. Love and joy.

God orchestrated Buddy's path and mine crossing. But we have intentionally invested in the relationship since then and keep feeding the fire.

What relationship fires in your life need to feed? Or, extinguish?


  1. Thanks for the kind words, Mac! We think Buddy is a pretty amazing guy too. I know he values your friendship greatly! -- Heather Tamburello

  2. Mac,

    A great take away from your post is that we do not recognize enough how friends make an impact in our lives. Thank you for the reminder!

    Don't we have a duty to lite the extinquished relationships back into positive flames?

    The Pig

  3. Mac,

    Buddy speaks very highly of you as well and refers to you "as the funniest guy i know" - says your impressions are off the chain. Hope to have you in NY again soon!

  4. David & Brian, thanks for the note. You guys have a phenomenal person/leader in Buddy. Take good care of him!

  5. Pig, we have a duty to do as much as we can to reignite those flames, AND...to discern when it's appropriate to shake the dust off our feet. It's a tough call that demands godly wisdom.


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