

Last week, every member of the LHC staff gathered for an all-hands-on-deck (AHOD) staff meeting. In addition to our weekly staff meeting of pastors and ministry directors, we hold these AHOD's every month so that every single member of our team knows what's going on, why it's going on, and what's coming next.

In addition to a weekly staff meeting with pastors and directors of all ministry areas, I meet--formally and informally--with the more senior leaders on our team on an almost daily basis. But, the AHOD is something I've come to really enjoy because of the caliber of people we have. Every single person on our staff (about 33 or so) is deeply committed to Christ, exceptionally gifted in their area of service, and unfailingly joyful to be around.

That's not to suggest that we don't have room for improvement in every area, from the teaching to the grounds and all points in between. And we do talk about those opportunities to improve--no one is exempt from loving criticism of their performance. But, the AHOD is more about vision-driven community: keeping the vision out in front of our leaders at all times and strengthening the community of those who serve and lead to make that vision reality.

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