
Apologies Waste Time

I'm an idiot. I didn't even realize it until I paid attention to who I paying attention to. Great leaders, Kingdom movers and shakers, people who God uses--go and do. They don't apologize for what they're doing. They don't try to soften the blow so fewer people will be suspicious. They don't try to gain consensus. Apologies like these waste precious time, energy, and confuse your communication.

Consensus is like balance. It's a myth. There's no such thing. Consensus is equilibrium and equilibrium is death. Everything that lives moves in seasons and ebb and flow.

Great leaders apologize when they're wrong and their leadership capital multiplies for it. But not when they're fulfilling a God-given vision and dream. When that's happening, it's time to describe what God has shown you about what can be, invite people along for the ride, and then roll up your sleeves and go to work to make it a reality.

1 comment:

  1. I'd be curious to learn how this works and what this looks like in cultures that have a high value for consensus, like throughout most of Asia, and where leadership has to be done by consensus.


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