
Mentoring Works

One of the responsibilities for people in leadership is to regularly evaluate what's working, what needs course-correcting, and what should be taken out back and shot. One of the healthiest ministries I've ever heard of happens to reside at LHC.

Mom-to-Mom is a small group/Bible study/support group for moms. Those whose kids are in high school or older come alongside those whose kids are younger and mentor them out of their own experiences, perspective, and Bible study to help them navigate the waters of the most important job in the world.

The reason this works? Two words: Tonya Esler. Tonya is one of the most joyful people I've ever been around. Her joy, faith, and hope are absolutely infectious. AND...if she senses an issue, a leadership short-circuit or anything that threatens the health of the ministry, she addresses it with grace. Quickly.

Tonya and her leadership spend hours of prayer and thought before grouping mentor moms with ment-ee moms. They don't bat 1.000. But, they come pretty close.

And it's a model that we're copying and replicating throughout our church. Specifically, in the next few months, we'll be launching Leader-to-Leader, a marketplace mentoring ministry. I just hope that we're as faithful with this new one as Tonya and her team are with theirs.

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