
Who's It For?

Craig Groeschel pastors Lifechurch.tv, based in Oklahoma with campuses over all the country. He's one of the rare people who gets it--spiritually, theologically, relationally, in leadership, in church. That's one of the reasons that God has done the amazing God-things that He's doing through Lifechurch.

His post on his blog today asks a few probing, revealing questions that every church should address. But, it also crystallized something very important for me about the sermon series Soulmate that we started yesterday and continue for the next four weeks, as well as our church as a whole.

This series is as much for those who aren't yet married as it is for those of us who are. If we can equip and empower young men and women to recognize the responsibility of marriage as well as partake in the privilege, then they have an exponentially increased chance of realizing God's design and desire for their homes.

That principle applies to LHC as a whole. If we build a church only for those of us who are here right now, or for those of us who are 35-50 years old, then there is NO WAY IN THE WORLD our kids will want to be a part of that and experience the blessings and community and accountability that Jesus calls his church to provide.

I'm so grateful and proud to be a part of a community that exists not only for the growth and encouragement of those already in it, but committed to doing what it takes to extend the love, and joy, and hope that ONLY Christ can offer.

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