

It's Saturday night and as I'm wrapping everything up preparing to preach in the morning, I found this picture (kudos/credit to Patagonia's website). First, the colors just popped off the page and were so striking. Second, what a great moment for the angler to have brought the fish to hand and remove the fly.

It reminds of two very important things (one much more significant than the other):

1. Catching this species of fish on a fly is the most fun I've ever had on the water or in the field. When they pick up the fly, they rocket across the flats, rooster-tailing the line through the water. It is an absolute kick in the pants. First time I ever caught one, I stuck the rod butt in my stomach and just giggled while the fish went screaming the opposite direction.

2. Jesus made me a fisher of people. Not only because I'm a pastor, but because I trust Him and promised Him I'd live this life for Him. The only way you catch fish is if you're where they are and you present them with something attractive. It usually involves a lot of work, some discomfort personally, and thinking like a fish. But the payoff! There's nothing like it.

You know, I've met a lot of people who don't like to bait their own hooks, wait for fish to bite, or remove the fish from the hook once it's caught. But, I've never met ANYONE--(not sure I want to!)--who doesn't get a thrill from catching fish. There's just something about it when you've paid the price, done the work, and felt the tug.

Worship at LHC gives us all that opportunity every week--to see weeks, months, or maybe even years of work and prayer and relationship come to fruition when a friend or family member personally trusts Christ. Or, maybe it's in a conversation that you get to have with someone. Either way, I've never met a genuine Christ-follower who didn't love to have a hand in that--when they've prayed the prayers, done the work, and felt the tug of God in their friend's life.

Happy Fishing.

Bonus Question: What species of fish is pictured above?


  1. I knew I like you Mac. Now I know why!

  2. Dan, Well done, Grasshopper.

    Pete, are you a salty angler?

  3. Sorry, Mac - real fish gross me out (I'm a girl, what can I say?). But as the analogy goes, I think it's fabulous. And I'm super excited to have baited a few hooks recently with LHC Downtown. I've invited a few friends who live close to downtown & wouldn't make the drive out here - a couple are Christ-followers, & one is not even close. That's the one I'm most excited about. So even if it takes years to get a bite, I'm thrilled to have cast the line. So thanks to you for having the vision, obedience, & leadership to enter into this new chapter for our church.

  4. Rory, no apology necessary! Thanks for going fishing with LHC!


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