
The Power of a Blessing

Not the "God is great/God is good/Let us thank Him/For our food" blessing kids use before they eat. I'm talking about speaking truth and affirmation into people's lives. Recently, I've learned--I mean, really learned--how truly power-full, empowering, and in-courage-ing a tool we have at our disposal when we choose to affirm and reinforce the good in the people we serve and lead.

Every, single person with a pulse carries influence. A few intentionally use it constructively, which is why they typically stand out so prominently. They're rare. Affirming the character and heart of people we influence increases our influence and their capacities.

A couple of guidelines concerning affirmation and blessing:

1. Use it sparingly. If you constantly try to affirm just whatever comes to mind, you'll cheapen the significance of those times when it really means something.
2. Distinguish between blessing and kindness. Everyone should be kind all the time. Even in criticism. But a blessing, an intentional affirmation, should be strategically placed in the life of the receiver by the giver.
3. Be specific. When giving a blessing, reference specific behaviors that represent the character worth blessing.

Whether in the marketplace, your church, or your home, try giving a blessing to someone this week and watch them rise to the level and expectation of that blessing.

Post a comment below and share how well-placed words of affirmation/blessing made a difference in your life.


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