
Bottom Line (2)

As we said yesterday, churches are similar to businesses ONLY in that we, too, have a bottom line. There, the similarities end. Our bottom line is lifechange: people stepping over the line of faith in Christ and becoming more like him in everything we want, think, say, and do.

With that said, there are some distinct blessings and advantages to engaging in furthering that kind of a bottom line vs. producing a profit:

1. What we do really matters. Eternally. There is no wasted movement or effort when a person's life/spirit/soul/marriage/future is on the line.
2. We see people's brokenness healed/redeemed/fulfilled. Nothing's more fueling than that.
3. We discover the genuine purpose/presence of God.
4. Friendship/Community is built and strengthened around a common purpose that never dies.
5. God is glorified.

What a God-honoring, eternity-impacting kick in the pants to get to be a part of!


  1. That is something I WANT to be a part of! And fortunately GET to be a part of!

  2. I know without question that the community built by LHC for the specific purposes described by you has helped me through some of my darkest of hours. I also know that what limited ability my health has allowed me to serve Father God through LHC has rewarded me beyond measure. In short, it is something I want to, am, and will be a part of for the rest of my life....why? Because it IS a kick in the pants!!


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