
USMA, Pt. 1

Never. Ever.

I have never spent a day like the 10 hours that my son Joseph and I just spent. Wed. this week we woke up to 41 degrees and trees that were absolutely ablaze with the colors of fall (apparently, this "fall" is a season that people outside of Texas actually experience in addition to marking it on their calendars--who knew?). We were guests at the United States Military Academy at West Point. Our host had to return salutes every time a cadet made eye contact, and he always returned with a crisp salute and deeply heartfelt, "Beat Navy!"

Over the course of our day there, we were given a tour and I interviewed three different officers (two currently serving, one retired) re: leadership--leadership in theory and practice as it's conveyed at West Point, and leadership in their experiences serving our nation.

I'm still trying to get my head around everything that we got to see. But, there is one thing that is certain: Thank God. Thank God for the men and women who selflessly and voluntarily serve our nation and provide the freedoms we enjoy. Every single time I thanked one of them for doing what they do that allows us to do what we do, they responded by saying, "My pleasure, sir" or, "I'm honored to serve, sir."

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